Business Instalment Loans

Business Instalment Loans provide a flexible financing option that allows businesses to access funds up to a pre-approved limit and repay in manageable monthly instalments over up to a year. This solution is perfect for businesses looking to boost their working capital or finance new investments without the pressure of immediate full repayment.

Status: Available

How It Works

  • Step 1: Get financing limit

Apply for a financing limit tailored to your business needs through a straightforward application process.

  • Step 2: Withdraw and approve repayment plan

Once approved, withdraw the desired amount from your financing limit and select a suitable repayment plan.

  • Step 3: Automated financing and instant payments

The amount withdrawn is financed through an automated funding exchange, ensuring quick access to funds.

  • Step 4: Flexible repayments

Repay the borrowed amount in monthly instalments. Enjoy the flexibility of making early repayments or withdrawing additional funds as long as there is remaining credit under the financing limit.


  • Flexible Credit Facility: Access funds as needed without any obligation to utilize the full approved limit, providing flexibility to adapt to business needs.
  • Investment and Capital Boost: Utilize the loan to finance important investments or to enhance working capital, supporting your business’s growth and operational needs.
  • Data-Driven Credit Limits: Credit limits are determined based on the most recent financial data, utilizing open banking and accounting software integrations for accurate assessments.
  • Instant Funding Access: Benefit from a robust funding engine that allows for instant fund withdrawals whenever needed.
  • Transparent Pricing: Clear and straightforward pricing structures ensure you understand all costs upfront.
  • Flexible Repayment Terms: Repay in structured monthly instalments with the option to adjust the plan by making early repayments or taking additional withdrawals within the credit limit.

Demo Videos

Integration with Neobanks/Banks:

Discover how Business Instalment Loans integrate seamlessly with financial platforms, providing flexibility and ease of use.

API Diagram

This diagram visually illustrates the integration of Business Instalment Loans within various business financial systems, showcasing the seamless data flow and transaction processes.

business instalment loans schema