Accounting Tech

Solution Overview: Game Changer for Accounting Tech


Accounting technology firms aim to streamline, automate, and enhance operations related to accounting tasks such as sending and managing receivables or handling payables. With Bankable, elevate your offering by incorporating credit solutions into these processes. Bankable focuses on eliminating operational pain in payments from both operational and liquidity perspectives, providing a unique value proposition not available elsewhere in the market.

Benefits: Game Changer for Accounting Tech

  • Elevate Value Proposition: Introduce a new value to your customers by enabling immediate payments to improve available cash, enhancing your service’s value chain.
  • Instant On-Demand Funding: Offer your customers the ability to access funding instantly, enhancing their financial agility.
  • Enhanced Customer Retention: Increase your revenue per client and boost retention; customers with access to convenient funding solutions are less likely to switch providers.
  • Plug-and-Play Technology: Bankable provides seamless technology that allows you to create and deploy short-term, embeddable financing products across digital channels.
  • Rapid Product Piloting: Develop and test new lending products within days, not months, accelerating your time to market.
  • Risk-Free Financing Solutions: Utilize Bankable’s Funding Exchange for lending without impacting your balance sheet, benefiting from competitive rates due to a marketplace model where investors compete for opportunities.

Recommended Products for Accounting Tech

Invoice Receivable Financing

Ideal for businesses looking to enhance cash flow management directly within your software.

Debtor Book Financing

Automate the sale of a percentage of the entire receivables book; streamline funding with daily funds transfers without manual operations.

Supplier Invoice Financing

Enable your customers to offer their suppliers immediate payment options, strengthening their supplier relationships.

Invoice Payables Financing

Provide your customers the flexibility to pay their suppliers even when cash is tight and repay in convenient weekly or monthly instalments.

Getting Started

To integrate our financial solutions into your accounting tech platform, begin by accessing our API documentation. Our sales and integration teams support you via [email protected] .to ensure a smooth and successful implementation.